Pediatric Dentistry

Specialist Care for Your Children


Pediatric Dental Specialists–Hastings provides a warm, child-focused environment. This creates positive experiences for our young patients, which is important for their long-term outlook on dental care and oral health. Our experienced team spends a lot of time with each child to ensure they are happy and comfortable in the dental chair. We also use digital X-rays for fast, easy, and detailed imaging.

Bringing your child to the dentist early in life is important to acquainting them with the dental office. Our team makes sure visits are fun and interesting. Kids are often in awe of the colorful office, and they love the toys we have to keep them busy and interested. Pediatric Dental Specialists–Hastings looks forward to welcoming you and your children to their new dental home.

Preventive Care


Preventive dental care is essential for all children so they can enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. This means regular evaluations and professional dental cleanings. Parents should bring their child to their first dental appointment by age 1. It’s important to keep baby teeth healthy because they are important placeholders for your child’s permanent teeth. However, don’t worry if you have an older child who hasn’t yet been to the dentist. The best time to start is today, and our experienced team is ready to help your child reach optimal oral health no matter their age.

Instilling healthy dental habits in childhood has lifelong benefits. Regular evaluations means that potential issues will be identified and fixed early. Some common preventive measures we use at our office include fluoride varnish and dental sealants. These simple treatments reduce the chance of harmful bacteria creating cavities in your child’s teeth. Our pediatric dental team will provide you with guidance about dental hygiene routines you can do at home too. This will help you to keep dental care engaging and fun for your child.

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We love this place! The staff is such a geat team to work with and they are always willing to go above and beyond to make our kiddos comfortable. They have a magical way of making the dentist fun which everyone knows is a true gift.


Sedation Dentistry


For children who are unable to tolerate dental treatment, we can offer several sedation dentistry options suited for your child’s specific needs. This is ideal for children who are having complex treatments, extractions, or those experiencing high levels of anxiety. We offer in-office nitrous oxide, which is a mild form of sedation that can help your child remain calm and relaxed throughout treatment. Additionally, our team works collaboratively with an anesthesiologist to provide safe, effective sedation in our office—an environment that is comfortable and familiar for your child. For children with complex medical needs, we also offer the option to complete the needed procedures with general anesthesia at Hastings Surgical Center or in-hospital.

Tooth-Colored and Stainless Steel Dental Crowns


Dental crowns help stabilize and protect damaged teeth. We offer both stainless steel crowns and tooth-colored crowns for baby teeth as necessary to safeguard teeth from further damage. Stainless steel is ideal for the back teeth, which work the hardest when chewing. These crowns won’t crack as a result of eating or grinding the teeth either. Tooth-colored crowns are preferable for teeth situated within the child’s visible smile. In either case, the dental crowns will simply fall out along with the baby teeth naturally.

Tooth-Colored Fillings


Tooth-colored fillings are virtually invisible restorations used to repair cavities. Unlike the amalgam fillings commonly used in the past, tooth-colored fillings blend in with your child’s natural smile. They are made of a safe and durable composite resin material. It’s no surprise they are a popular choice among patients and parents alike.

Dental Bonding


Dental bonding involves the artistic application of composite resin to a chipped, cracked, or discolored tooth. It can address these issues to bring the tooth back to its original shape or to help hide discoloration. Dental bonding is also useful for filling in small gaps between the teeth. We always color-match the bonding to suit an individual’s smile so that it will look completely natural, meaning your child can continue to smile without being self-conscious about their restoration.

Pulp Therapy


The pulp is the soft tissue that is inside the tooth. It contains connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. If the pulp becomes decayed or injured, it can become inflamed or infected. This can cause a great degree of discomfort and difficulty, especially when biting. Pulp therapy fixes the problem by removing the damaged tissue and thoroughly cleaning the inside of the tooth. We then reseal the tooth to prevent reinfection. Pulp therapy is sometimes called a “baby root canal” because the processes are similar, but pulp therapy focuses on the baby teeth, whereas a root canal treats permanent teeth.

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Pediatric Dental Specialists does a wonderful job of making our kids excited to go to the dentist! Plus, I always walk out feeling well informed about their visit. A win for mom/dad and kids!


Tooth Extractions


Sometimes a tooth may need to be extracted due to severe damage, decay, or overcrowding. At Pediatric Dental Specialists–Hastings, we approach extractions gently and compassionately. Our experienced pediatric dentists will ensure that your child is as comfortable as possible. Sedation options are available to ensure a painless experience for your child. After the extraction, our dental team will provide aftercare instructions to promote healing and recovery. Your child’s well-being is our primary focus.

Mouth Guards


Participating in sports and physical activity can be lots of fun for children and young people. However, protecting their teeth is an important step to take. Pediatric Dental Specialists–Hastings can take digital impressions and create a custom-made mouth guard to shield your child’s teeth from dental trauma. A properly fitted mouth guard significantly reduces the risk of damage to the teeth and gums. This can help prevent your child from experiencing a dental emergency. It also gives parents peace of mind that their children can participate safely in all the activities they love.

Are you looking for a pediatric dental specialist to take care of your child’s dental needs?

Our team is dedicated to supporting your child’s oral health from infancy through adolescence. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the healthy smiles and happy kids we are lucky enough to work with every day.

To make an appointment for your child, contact us at Pediatric Dental Specialists–Hastings today.

There are options for that unexpected dental procedure.

We want to make it easy for you to get your child the dental care they need, with or without insurance.

We work with your insurance to maximize your benefits.

No insurance? We also accept other forms of payment, such as credit cards, cash, and check. We also accept CareCredit, which offers flexible monthly payments, with zero interest for six or 12 months on larger charges.